


According To Wikipedia, Family Is – In Most Societies – The Principal Institution For The Socialization Of Children.




A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.
Designed to be suitable for children as well as adults.
noun.  kin – house – household – stock – clan – race – tribe
adjective.  domestic – homely – home – familiar


Family used to consist of villages and tribes, kibbutzim…. In “this day and age,” family has become just those we live with, and perhaps some additional blood relations.  Yet recently, so many of us have discovered that family is much more than just people who are blood related or who live together.  Family can be colleagues and classmates, neighbors and friends.  Post-Hurricane, we’ve realized that family can consist of fire fighters who are off duty from another state that are volunteering their time to help.   Family can be the people who anonymously donate the diapers, blankets, and canned food that we so desperately need.  Family – people who care enough to be there regardless of the situation.

From  To sign “family” form “F” hands and use the hands to trace the shape of a circle as if representing a family sitting around a dinner table.