
At 4 months, Ossian was focusing on my hands as I signed, looking from one hand to the other. He really tuned into our music at home as well, with his focus spot on if I sang and signed. When he was fussy due to hunger, and I signed “milk,” he immediately relaxed, knowing his needs would be met! At 6 1/2 months, he began clapping hands and later signed “more” several times during breakfast! At 7 months, he responded to the “I Love You” sign by holding up his hand. And although he was not yet requesting milk, it looked like he was signing it while nursing. Praise and repetition at these times helped to establish the use of the signs!  Ossian pushed his tray away during breakfast one day around 8 months, looked at me, and signed “milk.” Needless to say, he was very happy when I picked him up to nurse! He was understanding more and more signs, though his favorite person to watch was Zeke! At 9 months, Sian was signing “eat” when asked if he was hungry or wanted to eat! By 9 1/2 months, he was signing “water,” yet often signed “milk” when thirsty, even if he wanted water. He was also blowing kisses, which looked similar to his sign for water–we figured it out based on the context of the situation. Ossian had been signing “more” and then pointing to what he wanted, which developed into 2-word (signed) phrases as he picked up signs for those objects. It is always very exciting how once language starts, it just blossoms! Patience and consistency truly pay off. At one year, Sian was imitating many signs and later using them appropriately. He had added “daddy,” “finished,” and “home” to his vocabulary, and signed “I love you” more consistently than before. He gave us and his friends hugs all the time, spontaneously and upon request. He also sang and “spoke” a ton! Also walking (and dancing!), so watch out world! By 13 months, Ossian was signing “banana,” “bath,” “tree,” and “dog.” He understood everything. Looking at one of his books, he saw a picture of an apple, signed “apple” and walked to the refrigerator to get one! He then returned to “reading” and signed “eat-apple,” as the storybook character was doing just that! Two-sign phrases became the norm. At 20 months, it was so much fun to hear Ossian talking, and to see new signs interspersed so he could communicate a complete thought or question!  In the mornings when we said goodbye, he said “mamma” and signed “work” — then said “Bye mamma, love you” (with I love you hand sign as well)! Ossian was still expressing much of his (new) vocabulary through signs, though he tended to drop them sooner as the words came along. He was also imitating speech more spontaneously. He and Zeke had full conversations of their own in a mixture of speech and sign –and the imaginary play we witnessed was extremely complex. Both boys still loved to sing favorite songs in sign. Ossian continued using a few signs here and there through his teenage years.