
By the time he was 5 months old, Zeke was clearly understanding signs. He looked directly at me as I signed. When I asked him (voice off/ASL only) “where is your cow?” he looked at the five toys before him and pushed the cow forward! This was all so exciting!!

At 6 months, after signing good morning to him, Zeke responded with his first sign, “I love you.” This was my inspiration to develop Baby Fingers!

At 10 months, when his mobile stopped, Zeke made his first two-word phrase: “More music!” At one year, he understood over 100 signs, and was actively, consistently using 20 signs! Zeke’s first three-word phrase came at 13 months: “More crackers please!” By 15 months, Zeke understood at least 200 signs, and was actively, consistently using fifty. He was able to express emotions and memory of events, i.e., passing by subway and signing “daddy train work” soon after saying goodbye to daddy at another subway station. His absolute favorite signs included: MUSIC, HOME, TOGETHER…Zeke’s spoken language was really emerging by this point, though he continued to sign and speak much of the time.

At 21 months, Zeke’s speech development was overwhelming, much like his sign language progress had been at 6+ months. He was eager to talk on the phone, read books aloud, make up stories or share events of the day, talk to his friends, toys, or to himself. He had command of at least 90 signs and over 30 words; his ability to put ideas, thoughts, and concepts into complete sentences was so exciting! Sometimes he used speech alone, and other times used combination of speech and sign. He rarely signed a full thought without talking anymore. However, Zeke signed to everyone around him, and was delighted when someone signed back! One day he was so angry/upset that he couldn’t get his words out and instead clearly signed to us through his tears–and we knew what he needed. What a relief!

Zeke, at two years old, still supported some of his speech with sign; he was stringing together three- to five-word spoken sentences with signs as emphasis or to clarify anything we couldn’t understand. The concept of using full sentences wasn’t new to him, as he was signing sentences by 12 to 15 months. He was now having fun doing the same with his voice. He loved reminding us to stop at every driveway or garage and look out for the cars (his hands would extend from the front of the stroller to sign “stop!” It was such fun to hear him sing, tell stories, and ask questions! He loved to engage his baby brother Ossian through kisses, signs and songs, stories… even beginning to share toys! Zeke was Ossian’s favorite language model, and he taught his brother many signs.

Zeke’s language continued to explode, with stories that were so expressive and descriptive, I knew the sign language had an impact. And knowing not to talk with his mouth full at five years old, when he was at a birthday party, Zeke–with his mouth full of pizza–silently signed “More pizza please, mommy.”